Thanks to Nick Smith for this copy of the manual for 1927 and earlier Sunbeam motorcycles. Well worth a read if you have one!
Thanks to Nick Smith for this copy of the manual for 1927 and earlier Sunbeam motorcycles. Well worth a read if you have one!
it would seem you’ve missed pages 36 & 37 from the manual easily done I’m sure……these are the very 2 pages I need…….hahaha……you must have them as P36 will be the back of P35 and P37 will be the front of P38……please please could you update for me
kind regards
Russ J
Hi Russ
I’m sorry.. I was sent the document by another enthusiast and so can’t update the pdf I’m afraid. I think the club can supply a printed copy though/
agh… worries……I don’t think MSC&R have a 1927 model 9 owners manual I spoke with Paul Hutton about 3 weeks ago to order some bits and asked if they had an owners manual and he says they only had the 1927 Spares catalogue…..never mind I’m sure I’ll find a copy somewhere at least I know one exists……cheers my friend
The manual on here is actually a 1926 publication, but has the supplement for 1927 models attached. There is a manual for the 1927 OHV models, but it only really covers the engine and other parts that differ from the SV models. There was never a general 1927 manual.